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Tudong and NFM Opening Ceremony (Feb 2025)

Ajahn Keng will lead a group of monastics and laypeople to tudong (walk) in the area of Lumbini towards the Nepal Forest Monastery. The tudong will kick off on 15 Feb 2025 and is planned for approximately 150km, with a target of 25km each walking day. The itinerary includes walking to different sacred sites in the area and paying respect there.

Ajaan Keng's compassionate intention is to help lay and monastics develop their spiritual strength through walking. It is our hope that local people who see monks and lay-people walking for peace will also rejoice and develop faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangha.

The tudong will culminate with the official opening of the Nepal Forest Monastery on 25 Feb 2025

Tudong Itinerary.pdf

2021 Tudong 1000km
Wat Sampathawong - Sydney

Further Plans

Assess existing building and infrastruction and consider their suitability for monastery use

eg. monk's accomodation, sala.

Plans for any refurbishment or new infrastructure can be made after the assessment.

Purchase the land adjacent to the current piece of land. Discussion with the owners are in progress.



If you would like to learn more or may be able to assist, please contact us using the provided form or email address below:

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