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Misty Sunbeams

Latest Update

November 2024

After being on hold for a period of time, we have some wonderful news to share. We are extremely fortunate to have the support aof Ajaan Keng, a very senior monk from the Thai Forest tradition. Ajaan has very kindly agreed to be the spiritual advisor for the monastery. More information on Ajaan Keng can be found at About Ajaan Keng

Ajahn Rocano has other priorities and is unable to allocate time to this monastery. We wish Ajahn Rocano all the best and hope he will be able to visit and stay in the Nepal Forest Monastery in the future


Over the last few years, the committee have surveyed numerous plots of land and now a suitable site has been found. The piece of land is near Lumbini, the birthplace of the Lord Buddha and was successfully purchased in Oct 2024. This land will be the home of the Nepal Forest Monastery. ​​On 16 November 2024, it was with great joy that the land was offered to Ajaan (Geoff) Thanissaro, Ajahn Keng and Sangha of the four directions

Ajaan Keng plans to lead a group of monks and lay-people from different countries to tudung in the Lumbini area towards the offered land for NFM. This will culminate with the official opening of the Nepal Forest Monastery on 25 Feb 2025.

-Nepal Forest Monastery Team

Project Update


Objectives of the Nepal Forest Monastery

  • Provide a place of residence for Buddhist monks who sincerely adhere to the full Vinaya (the code of conduct of Buddhist monks) as subject to the guidelines and rules laid out in the Vinaya-Pitaka of the Pali Canon

  • Provide an opportunity for the Nepalese local community to practice the Buddha's teachings especially in a location where now there is a strong desire and community support for the establishment of such a place.

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Ajaan Keng Khemako, NFM Spiritual Advisor


Below are some links for further information on Ajaan Keng :-

Collaborative HandsOn Effort to Cast Buddha Rupa in North-East Thailand

Ajaan Chao Khun Keng Khemako, Phra Vinayad Dhammavidesa,  is a Singaporean Buddhist monk who ordained in 1987 at the age of 24 at Wat Asokaram in the Thai Forest Tradition. He underwent 3 years monastic training under Ajaan Ṭhānissaro(Geoff) in Wat Dhammasathit, Rayong, Thailand. Here he also met one of his key spiritual mentors, Luang Puu Jia Cundo, who was one of Luang Puu Mun’s disciples.

He then spent the next five years as a dhutanga tudong monk, practising intensively in the seclusion of deep forests in the Thai-Myanmar border, depending on the kindness and support of the hill-tribes. Even though he encountered much hardship and even life-threatening situations, he felt that the forest ascetic practices taught by the Buddha was very beneficial and crucial to his practice.

After wandering for eight years in the forests of Thailand, Luang Puu Jia prompted him to return to Singapore to teach. Since then, he compassionately taught both lay and monastic disciples all over the world including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, USA and Australia. He is currently the President of Palelai Buddhist Temple, Singapore; Abbot of Santi Forest Monastery in Johor, Malaysia; President of the Dhammayuttika Order in Malaysia and Singapore; and Religious Advisor of Wat Sampanthawong, Australia. He also founded three monasteries: Santi Forest Monastery, Wat Paa Doi Charoentham in Omkoi, Thailand, and Wat Khemago Buddhist Association in Mankarbo, Sweden

Whenever he finds the opportunity, he continues to undertake tudong. In 2018, he led his monastic disciples on tudong over 1000km from Southern Thailand to Singapore. In late 2019, to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Luang Puu Mun, the tudong was 300 km in mountainous terrain of North Thailand. He also led disciples to tudong in Australia over 3 separate occasions:- In 2021, 1087km from Lara Victoria to Sydney; another 794 km hike from Lara to Adelaide in 2022; the latest being 190km from Hobart to Launceston in 2024.​​


Location of Nepal Forest Monastery

Click Here for NFM in Google Maps

Explore the NFM site

The Nepal Forest Monastery land is located approximately 40km from Lumbini, the birthplace of the Lord Buddha.

Siddhartha Gautama, the Lord Buddha, was born in 623 B.C. in the famous gardens of Lumbini, which is one of the four key holy pilgrimage site for Buddhists.  King Asoka was one of the earlier pilgrims and erected one of his commemorative pillars there in 249 BC.

The Lord Buddha spent the first 29 years of his  life in this area before he left home to pursue his aspiration to seek a way out of suffering.

Link Here to more information from UNESCO on Lumbini​

Offering of Land for NFM at Wat Sampathawong, Australia
16 November 2024


We the Buddhist lay community led by Sandeep Karki request to offer this land to the bhikkhu sangha of the four directions, those who have arrived already, and those who are yet to arrive.

May the merit of offering this land be of great benefit to the bhikkhu sangha of the four directions, those who have arrived already, along with those who have yet to arrive.

May the bhikkhu sangha accept this land for our longterm welfare and happiness

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